Prophetic Teachings 2/3
Sat, Jun 26
Prophetic teaching time with: Apostle Pierre Beumier and Dr/Prophet Antoine Kambou Zoom Meeting ID: 555 417 5187 Password Eng0gV

Heure et lieu
Jun 26, 2021, 7:30 PM GMT+2
À propos de l'événement
The NEHEMIA CENTER invites you to a precious time of PROPHETIC TEACHINGS and PRAYERS with the Apostle
PIERRE BEUMIER founder of the CENTER APPOLOS De MONS//Belgium with his Precious wife CHRISTINE Beumier, Man of experience The Apostle Pierre Beumier is a Man of God and is worldwide. recognized
Antoine KAMBOU invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Subject: Antoine KAMBOU - Personal meeting room
Join the Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 558 417 5187
Secret code: Eng0gV
The Practical Institute of Leadership and Apostolic and Prophetic Discipleship is our training tool